The site is an introduction to divorce. It is not a substitute for the considerable detailed professional help from many sources which can help at this difficult time in your life. I hope this will de-mystify some of the aspects of divorce by giving you a basic knowledge of the legal process and prepare you for many of the financial and emotional hurdles this process brings.
This site deals with Washington State. To date, the very numerous location specific resources are in King County, Washington. This may be expanded to other counties in the future. No payment has been made by any named resource for its/his/her appearance on the resources list or for any article contributed to the site. The site is a free public service where professionals can help the public by providing advice and divorcing/divorced persons can help each other by sharing their stories and helpful hints.
All of the attorneys listed under the Attorney Section of the King County Resources represented to Flexx Law, P.S. that they adhere to the King County Bar Association Guidelines of Professional Courtesy and to the Washington State Bar Association Creed of Professionalism. It is the desire of the founder and sponsor of this site to encourage all attorneys to adhere to these voluntary oaths. Flexx Law, P.S. believes that if an attorney adheres to the Rules and Guidelines this can help to minimize conflict in a divorce or separation case, ease emotions and result in a less costly and antagonistic outcome. Flexx Law, P.S., is committed to playing an active role in supporting ethical professional conduct in the legal profession as a whole, not just family law.
Visitors are invited to scan the Index (left) for areas of interest to you. If you would like to submit your story, contribute an article or make helpful suggestions please click here. Divorce professionals who wish to be considered for the King County Resources section click here. Please submit comments and suggestions regarding this site to: maggie@flexxlaw.com.
Or contact us at:
Flexx Law, PS
14205 SE 36th St
Suite 100, PMB 479
Bellevue, WA 98006
I wish you well.
Marguerite (Maggie) C. Smith, J.D.
Attorney at Law
President of Flexx Law, P.S.